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#ealfridayfunday we are celebrating with a giveaway!! **GIVEAWAY EXTENDED**

8:32 AM

Hello lovelies,

First off- thank you so much for all the love and support of our blog! We work hard behind the scenes here at #eal and are always planning and thinking ahead so we appreciate all the comments and messages....

So today we are celebrating because we have reached our newest goal on our Facebook page which was to get 200 'likes' and we have reached that and even a few more so thank you all!!

Y'all know we love treating our followers and today to celebrate our lovely likers we are having a little giveaway....here it goes.....

PRIZE 1: A $25 gift card for Etsy.... A world of choice with this one :)

PRIZE 2: A guest blogging spot here on #eal where we love to share the love of everything fun & fabulous!

PRIZE 3: TWO digital stamps of choice by Ppinkydolls by Chrishanthi as featured in our #ealmondaymakes post HERE

So how can you enter for a chance to win?

1.'like' our Facebook page HERE

2. Follow our blog & leave us a comment below telling us which one(s) of these
 fabulous prizes you would like a chance to win

Already a follower of eal and 'like' our Facebook page? Just leave a comment here 
on the blog saying so, simples!

The giveaway HAS BEEN EXTENDED and closes at 12PM EST Wednesday the 2nd of July-Good luck lovelies

Emily & Aideen x

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  1. Who wouldn't love $25 to spend on Etsy?!! Another fab giveaway!! I already follow you.

  2. Oooooh I would love the digi stamps xx

  3. My computer really hates me today its the thrid time postin :D welldone girls ur doing a fab job, love ur posts been folowing for a while.
    Would love some me and etsy time :)

  4. Fab giveaway, well done EA on the site :)

  5. I'm going to go with number one, as my Etsy wish list is a mile long! I already follow your blog and Facebook.
