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#ealwantitwednesday Fiona T on Folksy

11:16 AM
Hello lovelies so as you all know both myself and Emily love handcrafted goodies-both making them ourselves and supporting others that have their own crafty businesses. As we come towards Christmas and the...

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My Lovely Friend and Fellow Jamberry Independent Consultant Karen Takes Over #EAL

5:57 AM
Hi EAL blog friends!!  My name is Karen Young and I am so thrilled to be able to chat with you today! (It’s my first guest blog post…*blushes*) I know Emily because Emily’s...

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7:22 PM
Hello Lovelies!!! Emily coming at ya today with a fun Jamberry DIY tutorial. I hope everyone is enjoying the party on Facebook, and hopefully those of you who requested free samples will be...

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My Lovely Jamberry Sponsor Kayla Takes Over #EAL

12:00 AM
Hello Blog Land! My name is Kayla, Emily’s sponsor through Jamberry, and I was asked by Emily and Aideen to be a guest blogger today! I’m so excited to join you today and...

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Help Emily Celebrate!!!

6:17 AM
If you read last weeks #ealcurrents post you already know that I have recently become an Independent Consultant for Jamberry Nails!!! Wondering what exactly Jamberry Nail Wraps are… GOOD QUESTION!!! “The wraps are a...

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